Add solvers for the following:
- dlv
- vampire
- OWL Reasoners (via owlery, robot, or py-horned-owl)
- problog
Framework Integrations
- OWL, using py-horned-owl
- LinkML
Add other useful transformations, e.g NNF
- document differences with HETS, DOL
Current Limitations
Nested objects
In Python data models it's common to have something like:
class Address(BaseModel):
street: str
city: str
state: str
class Person(BaseModel):
name: str
addresses: List[Address]
Which assumes nested data objects, typically serialized as YAML/JSON.
Currently typedlogic forces you to model in Normal Form, for example:
class Address(BaseModel):
id: str
address_street: str
address_city: str
address_state: str
class Person(BaseModel):
name: str
class PersonAddress(BaseModel):
person_name: str
address_id: str
This is more typical of how you would model things with SQLModel or SQLAlchemy classes that are isomorphic to SQL tables.
The corresponding instances (ground terms) would not involve any nesting.
In the future, we would like to do this normalization on the fly, AND/OR something analogous to JSONB in Postgresql.